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News from Schön


Mountain coffee: The secret of the Blue Mountains in Jamaica

The Blue Mountains in Jamaica are home to one of the finest coffees in the world: mountain coffee, known for...


Why medium roast is often considered ideal

Why is medium roast so prized in coffee culture? Exploring its ability to bring out the unique characteristics of each...

Kaffeewasser – darauf gilt es zu achten

Kaffeewasser – darauf gilt es zu achten

Die Wasserqualität beeinflusst den Geschmack deines Kaffees erheblich. Erfahre, wie Wasserhärte und pH-Wert den Kaffeegeschmack formen und welche Methoden zur...

Der Geschmack von Kaffee und seine Aromen

Der Geschmack von Kaffee und seine Aromen

Lerne die Welt der Kaffeearomen kennen und entdecke, wie Anbau, Ernte, Verarbeitung und Zubereitung den Geschmack deines Kaffees formen.

Kaffeerösten und wie es funktioniert

Kaffeerösten und wie es funktioniert

Tauche ein in die Welt des Kaffeeröstens und entdecke, wie chemische Prozesse und Röstgrade den einzigartigen Geschmack deines Kaffees formen.

Die Kunst der perfekten Espressozubereitung

The art of making the perfect espresso

Learn how to make perfect espresso at home – from bean to cup.

Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Kaffeeanbau

The impact of climate change on coffee cultivation

Climate change poses a serious threat to coffee cultivation worldwide. Learn how changing climate conditions affect coffee production and what...

Die Vielfalt des brasilianischen Kaffeeanbaus.

The diversity of Brazilian coffee cultivation.

Immerse yourself in the colorful world of Brazilian coffee – from sun-drenched slopes to environmentally friendly farming methods that make...

Die Auswirkungen von Kaffee auf den Stoffwechsel

The effects of coffee on metabolism

Explore how coffee affects metabolism and why it is more than just a stimulant. Discover the positive effects of coffee...

Warum Säure im Kaffee eigentlich eine gute Sache ist

Why acid in coffee is actually a good thing

Discover why acidity in coffee is not only acceptable, but a sign of quality and complexity, and how it enriches...

Die Wissenschaft hinter dem Rösten: Was in der Bohne passiert

The science behind roasting: What happens inside the bean

Immerse yourself in the fascinating science of coffee roasting and discover what happens inside the coffee bean during this magical...

Wie Verbraucher nachhaltigen Kaffee unterstützen können

How consumers can support sustainable coffee

Find out how you as a consumer can support sustainable coffee and thereby have a positive impact on the environment...

Wie sich Höhe und Klima auf den Geschmack von Kaffeebohnen auswirken

How altitude and climate affect the taste of coffee beans

Discover how altitude and climate shape the unique flavor of your favorite beans. Learn how these natural factors affect the...

Kaffee und Schlaf: Mythen und Fakten

Coffee and sleep: myths and facts

Explore the complex relationship between coffee and sleep. Debunk myths and discover facts that will help you optimize your coffee...

Automatisch vs. Manuell: Welche Kaffeemaschine passt zu dir?

Automatic vs. Manual: Which coffee machine is right for you?

At Schön Kaffee we believe that choosing your coffee machine is a personal decision that reflects your lifestyle and taste....

Arabica vs. Robusta: Was ist der Unterschied?

Arabica vs. Robusta: What’s the difference?

Explore the fascinating world of coffee beans with Schön Kaffee and discover the difference between Arabica and Robusta. Learn how...

6 Kaffeemythen, die es zu entlarven gilt

6 coffee myths that need to be debunked

Let's debunk the most common coffee myths at Schön Kaffee and discover together the facts behind these widespread assumptions. Find...

Die gesundheitlichen Vorteile des Kaffeetrinkens

The health benefits of drinking coffee

Enjoy every sip of coffee with a plus for your health. Schön Kaffee explains the health benefits of drinking coffee...

Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Kaffee weltweit

The economic importance of coffee worldwide

Discover the economic importance of coffee worldwide and how it impacts millions of people. Learn more about the role of...

Biologischer Kaffeeanbau: Vor- und Nachteile

Organic coffee cultivation: advantages and disadvantages

Discover the world of organic coffee cultivation at Schön Kaffee. Learn more about the environmentally friendly methods and challenges of...

Die Evolution der Kaffeemaschine: Eine Zeitreise

The evolution of the coffee machine: A journey through time

Join us on a journey through the evolution of the coffee machine, from the first manual devices of the 19th...

Die besonderen Eigenschaften von afrikanischem Kaffee

The special properties of African coffee

African coffee represents a unique variety of flavours, ranging from vibrant fruity notes to floral nuances. It is not only...

Warum Kolumbien für seinen Kaffee berühmt ist

Why Colombia is famous for its coffee

Colombia is famous not only for its ideal coffee growing conditions, but also for its deep-rooted family traditions, variety of...

Die reiche Geschichte des Kaffeeanbaus in Äthiopien

The rich history of coffee cultivation in Ethiopia

Ethiopia, the original home of coffee, boasts a rich history and culture captured in every bean. From the legends of...

Die neue Ernte aus Kenia wird spannend

The new harvest from Kenya will be exciting

Last week we were allowed to cup samples of the new harvest from Kenya and we are thrilled! This time...

Die Kosten steigen

The costs are increasing

Even if nobody can hear it anymore... Everything gets more expensive. We, too, are clearly feeling the price increases in...

SCHÖN DUNKEL ist Testsieger im Crema Magazin

BEAUTIFULLY DARK is test winner in Crema Magazine

We are very happy about this great award!!! Our SCHÖN DANKEL espresso blend is the test winner in the Crema...

Ein Natural Filterkaffee aus Kenia

A natural filter coffee from Kenya

From now on and in a new design, there is a new filter coffee. An anaerobic natural from Kenya with...

Der PachaMama ist teurer geworden

The PachaMama has become more expensive

Dear customers, since the beginning of October we have been supplied with the new harvest from Peru. Like last year,...

La Cristalina ist wieder lieferbar

La Cristalina is available again

Finally! The wait is finally over. This week we received the new harvest from La Cristalina. Of course we got...

Die Rohkaffee Preise steigen - Update

Green coffee prices are increasing - update

Dear customers, in Brazil, and also in many other coffee-growing countries, there were enormous crop failures last year. This is...

Hario Cold Brew Zubereiter - jetzt erhältlich

Hario Cold Brew Maker - available now

Two cold brew makers from Hario are now available from us. The slightly larger, but cheaper, of the two is...

Jetzt auch als Espresso - VILLA ESPERANZA

Now also as espresso - VILLA ESPERANZA

Actually, it is somewhat common to describe this great coffee as a LA CRISTALINA representative. The VILLA ESPERANZA is anything...


The agency for our LA CRISTALINA is here

Actually, it is somewhat common to describe this great coffee as a LA CRISTALINA representative. The VILLA ESPERANZA is anything...

Die BOA VISTA Microlots sind wieder da

The BOA VISTA Microlots are back

We are happy to be able to present 2 great microlots from Mateus and his Sitio Boa Vista from Petunia,...

Wir haben einen neuen BRAZIL

We have a new BRAZIL

The SITIO SERRA PELADA is sold out, but with the SITIO BOA VISTA we have found a great replacement from...

Neuer Filterkaffee

New filter coffee

We are very happy to present you a new coffee! And this time there is something very special again. A...

Der Hario SWITCH ist wieder lieferbar

The Hario SWITCH is available again

Finally!!! The Hario SWITCH Immersion Dripper is back in stock. Currently in size 03 - for up to 360 ml...

Mystery Coffee - Out Now!

Mystery Coffee - Out Now!

This is a February special:

Neuer Espresso online

New espresso online

The BILDIMOO CHEELEKTU is now also available as an espresso. Naturally light roasted, with great fruity and floral aromas. More...

Origami Dripper - Neu im Sortiment

Origami Dripper - New to the range

We now have the Origami Dripper in size M, in different colors, in our range! Origami drippers

+++ Special Edition +++

+++ Special Edition +++

Almost a tradition... At the end of the year we present something very special again. A coffee of the rare...

Neuer Kaffee aus Äthiopien

New coffee from Ethiopia

We are pleased to be able to present you a natural from Ethiopia again. This coffee has arrived with a...

Neuer Kaffee aus Brasilien

New coffee from Brazil

The SITIO CORREGO DO CAVALO is sold out, but with the SITIO SERRA PELADA we have found a great replacement...

Der Sudan Rume ist wieder da

The Sudan Rume is back

The Sudan Rume is back!!! This coffee was probably one of our most popular filter coffees in the last year....

Neuer Espresso Blend

New espresso blend

We have a new espresso blend! He's pretty light :)

Qualität unserer Ventilbeutel

quality of our valve bags

Dear customers, the manufacturer has changed the paper quality of our valve bags. Unfortunately, we are not at all satisfied...

Neuer Kaffee aus Äthiopien

New coffee from Ethiopia

Finally we have a great coffee from Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia in our range again. The KELLOO HARU is an omni roast...

Hario 02 Papierfilter - Japan - 100 Stück - wieder lieferbar

Hario 02 paper filter - Japan - 100 pieces - available again

Finally back in stock!!!

Neuer Filterkaffee aus Kenia

New filter coffee from Kenya

Most of you have already noticed it, but we have had a new coffee from Kenya in our range for...

Den Simbi Honey gibt es jetzt auch als Espresso

The Simbi Honey is now also available as an espresso

A great, lively and fruity espresso with a very fine, lively acidity. As with filter coffee, we taste cherry, blackberry,...

Unser neuer Kaffee aus Ruanda ist da!

Our new coffee from Rwanda is here!

Finally!!! Our new coffee from Rwanda is available. Initially only as a filter roast, but soon also as an espresso....

Neues Filterpapier von HARIO und CAFEC

New filter paper from HARIO and CAFEC

We are happy to provide you with new filter paper. In addition to the standard filter paper from Hario from...

Die BOA VISTA Trilogie

The BOA VISTA trilogy

While the BOA VISTA - Anaerobic Natural has been available in the shop as filter coffee and espresso for a...

Endlich mal wieder ein Omni Roast

Finally an Omni Roast again

We are happy to present you a new coffee. It's, after a long time, an Omni Roast again. Equally delicious...

Trendglas Jena - jetzt auch bei uns im Shop erhältlich

Trendglas Jena - now also available in our shop

We are very pleased to be able to offer you various glass jugs from Trendglas Jena. We are absolutely convinced...

Indien Plantation ist ab sofort wieder lieferbar

India Plantation is now available again

We are very pleased!!! The India Plantation is now available again indefinitely!

Neuer Kaffee - Sehr seltene Varietät

New Coffee - Very rare variety

We have a new coffee for you again. A Sudan Rume from Colombia. Super rare variety - super fruity -...

Jetzt auch Geschenkgutscheine erhältlich

Gift vouchers are now also available

From now on you can also purchase gift vouchers from us. The vouchers are available in values ​​of 10, 25,...

Indien Plantation vorübergehend nicht lieferbar

India Plantation temporarily not available

Dear customers, our popular India Plantation is currently not available due to the Corona situation in India. However, our importer...

Neue Kaffees online!!!

New coffees online!!!

We recently have two new coffees for you in the shop. We are particularly happy about the Hambela Arifi a...

Neuer Filterkaffee aus Kenia :-)

New filter coffee from Kenya :-)

Finally we have another absolutely outstanding coffee from Kenya for you! Like our Kenyan coffees before, we bought the Kagumoini...

Neuer Kaffee aus Ruanda

New coffee from Rwanda

We have a new coffee in our assortment. The Shanga from Rwanda, with a cupping score of 89.25. Incredibly delicious,...

Wir haben neue Kaffees für euch

We have new coffees for you

So people, some new coffees have recently become available in the shop: #1 - The Cristalina is now also available...

Unser Microlot aus Brasilien ist da

Our microlot from Brazil is here

Our direct import from Brazil is here! This is a very small microlot of the variety yellow Catuai - dry...

Neuer Filterkaffee und neuer Espresso

New filter coffee and new espresso

A new filter coffee is available in the shop. The El Pino is a microlot from Honduras and comes with...

Neues Produkt - Der Hario SWITCH

New Product - The Hario SWITCH

The Hario Immersion Dripper SWITCH is now available in the online shop. Ingenious hand filter that can be used both...

Neue Filterkaffees aus Äthiopien und Kenia

New filter coffees from Ethiopia and Kenya

We have something new for you again. Two very great filter coffees are now available. A very fine coffee from...

Neues Microlot

New micro lot

Our Peru microlot from PachaMama is here. Very tasty filter coffee with complex aromas. Very balanced, with medium acidity, creamy...

Die neuen Kaffees sind da

The new coffees are here

We have had new coffees at the start for a few days. In the filter area there is now a...



Our new filter coffee from Kenya has recently been online!!! A really very unique coffee that has everything you could...

Neuer Filterkaffee

New filter coffee

The Kelloo has been available in the shop for a few days. We are so excited about this new coffee...

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  • $00 Product Title 3 colors
  • $00 Product Title 3 colors